Join us Sunday, January 30th at Pastor Paul & Terrie’s home for our “Family Celebration” as we share the joy and victory of all that God has done through our church family throughout the past 20 years! And be a part of our transition into Gospel Community Church as a “Church Within A Church”!

We will be gathering January 30th for Morning Worship, Praise, Community and Stories of God’s goodness. We will conclude the morning with a “potluck” brunch and fellowship together. Don’t miss this very special time!

BLENDING INTO Gospel Community Church.
While we will still operate at ChurchForFamily for our coming future, we will be worshipping and serving within and alongside GCC.


Above is the morning message from our Blended Church Family.
LiveStream of our Morning Worship Service.

Continue to support ChurchForFamily &
Pastor Paul & Terrie


In the coming months we want to continue directly supporting ChurchForFamily,
its ministry, responsibilities and its Pastor.

You can feel confident that your tithes and offerings will be directly used to support the obligations of our church family and our pastor.

Gospel Community Church (our parent church) will continue to encourage us to give through ChurchForFamily as we transition.
Please prayerfully give, it matters!